
Tail Spend, Inflation and Managing Costs in Healthcare

Recent global economic disturbances have ushered in an era characterized by unprecedented turbulence. This heightened uncertainty can significantly hinder economic growth.

Steering through these tumultuous periods can be overwhelming, especially when confronting the challenges posed by inflation. Clients in the Healthcare sector are seizing the chance to refine and optimize their organisations.

Managing costs in Healthcare: Inflation’s impact

When we talk about inflation’s effects on the healthcare sector, several factors come into play, including increased costs of medical supplies, salaries of healthcare professionals, and operational costs. Tail spend in procurement refers to the lower value, often off-contract spend, which might not be actively managed or fall under the radar due to its fragmented nature. Let’s delve into how inflation might impact tail spends in the healthcare sector.

Our expert cost optimisation consultants provide valuable insight into managing costs in the healthcare sector. Download our latest insights to find out more.

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Healthcare CFOs already have a lot on their plate running multi-million-euro institutions without spending endless hours coming up with cost-saving ideas. However, there are cost optimisation consultants that can handle all of these cost reduction strategies for them. Reach out to ERA today.

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"Healthcare CFOs already have a lot on their plate running multi-million-euro institutions without spending endless hours coming up with cost-saving ideas. However, there are cost optimisation consultants that can handle all of these cost reduction strategies for them.

Opportunity is everywhere. It disguises itself. Most businesses don’t see it. But we do. It’s our mission to find it. To look where others don’t, can’t or won’t."

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